by Asbjorn Lonvig, artist/designer
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sobre Asbjorn Lonvig
críticos en Editorial Croquis,
Compartimiento del Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina Muestra un claro predominio de la actitud geométrica, emplea colores planos contrastados,
destacando los conceptos próximos al pop-art.
La obra del conocido artista danés Asbjorn Lonvig se interesa por los símbolos,
iconos de una sociedad que se rige por imágenes, descontextualizándolos,
emplazándolos en otras composiciones, en las que destaca su frescura y dinamicidad.
Confecciona conjuntos formales, en los que predominan ideas sensibles,
alegóricas infantiles o bien temáticas sin malicie,
buscando ‘mironianamente’ una actitud sugerente que configure poco a poco un mundo de gran sensibilidad
que va cautivando al espectador dentro de una calidez atractiva a pesar de la frialdad inicial.
Su contribución a la pintura pasa por el dominio de la composición, cultivando la forma, potenciando el uso pasional del color,
para dotar a su pintura de características sugerentes que van más allá de los límites de las propias temáticas.
Comunica ironía, plasma una gran curiosidad innata, que se entrelaza por su tendencia a la experimentación,
pero siempre supeditándola al control compositivo, buscando un claro diálogo entre forma, color, equilibrio y expresividad tonal. Joan Lluís Montané
Crítico de Arte
De la Asociación Internacional de Críticos de Arte
about Asbjorn Lonvig in
Editorial Croquis Art Magazine etc.
in Buenos Aires
Translated by Inter-Set, Denmark from Spanish
Asbjorn Lonvig demonstrates a clear predominance towards a geometrical approach,
using flat contrasted colours, emphasising perceptions which come close to being pop art.
The oeuvre of the well-known Danish artist involves symbols, icons of a society dominated by images,
decontextualising them, inserting them in other compositions in which their freshness and dynamism are emphasised.
He produces formal assemblies in which sensitive ideas, infantile allegories or non-hurtful subjects, predominate,
seeking in the style of Miró an evocative approach little-by-little shaping a world of great sensitivity which captivates the observer
with an attractive warmth in spite of its initial lack of emotion. His contribution to painting extends further than the field of composition,
cultivating form, fostering the passionate use of colour in order to endow his painting
with suggestive features which go beyond the limits of the subjects themselves.
He communicates irony, gives expression to immense innate curiosity connected with his tendency to experimentation,
but always subordinating it to compositional organisation,
seeking a clear dialogue between form, colour, balance and tonal expressiveness. Joan Lluís Montané
Art Critic
Member of the International Art Critics Association
I have added a link to your site too under "Creative People"
New Zealand
Dear Asbjorn,
your work is amazing!
I am really impressed with the use of colour and your contribution to art and design,
Jorge Restrepo
(born in Columbia)
Ho scoperto oggi per caso il tuo sito. Beh, innanzi tutto e` stato
fantastico vedere, leggere e sentire il tuo amore per l' Italia e in
particolare per Roma, citta` in cui sono nato. I tuoi lavori, con la
vivacita` dei colori che sai imprimere in modo giusto ed espressivo, sono
come il sole d' estate quando, al calar sui granai del Lazio e della
Toscana, infonde i suoi raggi sulle spighe riflettendoci sopra anche colori
di albe boreali nordiche.
C' e` vita e calore nelle tue fantastiche opere.
Complimenti Lonvig!
Un saluto da un italiano in Olanda.
Ernesto Romano Antonacci
hello mr. Asbjorn Lonvig,your work is very well, your abstract is simple but so andso deep..i wish you the very good luckAmany Ali Fahmy, Ph.D Helwan University, Cairo
Pyramids AvenueGizaEgypt
Yours stood out. I'm impressed. So many artists nowadays do not produce virgin works.They copy someone else's style. Imagination has been lost.You do have an extremely unique style! Coordination of colors and shapes are superb! Sincerely,Johnny W. MorlanLubbockTexas
I'd like to send you my compliments for your outstanding work.Mark Collins
Dear Mr. Lonvig,Your work is lovely, and thanks for sharing it with us. I particularly liked the Hans ChristianAndersen Festival posters.If you plan to display your work in , please send an announcement tocalendar@latimes.comThanks again.Very truly yours,Barry ZwickCalifornia
What a wonderful site! It makes me proud to be an artist and gets me anxious to create more!Keep it up!Rosana Modugno(born in Uruguay)New York
Impressive Work!I think your "motif" ("Motif to a business") piece is an excellent work of art.
I like the basic colors and your use of white space to center the piece and add to it's position in the center.Respectfully,Jess PeterlinMetro Marquette AreaMichigan
Highly original derivative, oxymoronic singularity, individually universal, satiricalchutzpah subversive hilarity. I am LOVING LONVIGFlorence SiegelBoro of QueensNew York
Congratulations. Wonderful work!
Please, look my website: www.edprimo.hpg.com.br
Ed Primo
Sao Paulo
Hi Asbjorn,
It's so good to see your work, it's so different! I would also like you to see myworks, and you'll realize why I like your work. Shefali NayanAhmedabadIndia
a plug, really.. on January 1, 2003, the GlitterChildren will unveil those changesthat are ahead in our world of art, philosophy, and community.After my annoying plug above, i took a look around your site.This is really impressive work. I will be back to take a look again.Chris LockhartNorth Carolina
Greetings from The Ancient One I was on a Divinely Choreographed Journey through cyberspace when a
mystical window opened and I found your site. Bravo on a job well done.
The uniqueness of the self is a wonderful thing.
May the Doors of Enlightment be open to you always. My name is Micheal Teal. I am a Psychic , Poet ,
Spiritual Advisor and Freelance Writer in Hamilton Ontario Canada.
I found your site to be a creative path , refreshingly honest and leaving one with a feeling of well being.
I wish you peace and prosperity. May the Song of Nature serenade you always with a hymn that celebrates the sacredness in everyday life.The Ancient One
Canada I happened to come across your work on absolutearts.com. You have some veryinteresting work. I especially liked the Sad Days Indeed painting. I lookforward to seeing more of your work in the future.Nick RyanMetro Detroit AreaMichigan
”Dear Master Lonvig (but after reading your biography and seen your wonderful Art, your name should be
"Loving"), thank you for your interest in participating in this Feast of Culture and Art.”,
“………..are you sure you are not Italian?”
“…..I have no words to tell you how much I enjoyed your art presentation you sent me. I can tell you it would be an honour for us to have your works with us…”
prof. Giancarlo Alu
director of Mantena Museum
director of Mondial Art and Culture
He just loved your work, Mr. Lonvig, and can't thank you enough for your kindness. His children will be online next week to thank you....Again, I thank you for your generosity of time and spirit. Perhaps it is artists, great like you and small like me, who always take the time to remember that their gift is one to share with the world, lest it vanish at any given moment.
Ann Watson
Calusa Elementary School
Boca Raton
I love your concept! Your art and your generosity of spirit.
I am a concert pianist and am very committed to inner
city kids in Hartford CT.
Sanda Schuldmann
Executive Director
Chamber Music Plus
your work is really great!!!
I have gone through your portfolio and your other links too!!!!
Wish you happy creations!!!
Prakash Deshmukh
Thank you for your enquiry.
We have reviewed your web site and you work is fantastic,
you have a unique style of painting.
Pauline Lionel
Customer Service Manager
United Kingdom
Hi Asbjorn,
I'm writing to you to tell you I like your work....the way you express the synthesis is very interesting
By the way..im an argentinian artist, if you have a minute i invite you to visit my site
María de la Vega
Buenos Aires
Hi Asbjorn
Thank you for your words....that danish artist " Kvium" is amazing! He
remainds me the paintings of Goya.....really dark and misterious art
Ive been looking your site and its incredible the way you show and sell your
work, your personal history, the way you wrote it, its so concrete....
Coincidence, calming down (all the abstract serie in general),Via Sacra and
Grotte celoni are fabulous (but first of all Lucca =) )
(sorry, my english is not good enough to tell you all the things i want
about your work)
thank you for reading this message
María de la Vega
Buenos Aires
I'm speachless...wow you are creative and diligent:
o)....I like your stuff because the beauty is in simplicity..... Just a warm hello to Denmark from Germany
Gudrun Ploetz
Bad Nauheim
Hello Asbjorn,
All of your art and specially the Lucca Project are superb works of fine art.
I have enjoyed your art works with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm.
Best from
Anton Vogels
Dulwich Hill, Sydney
New South Wales
I was quite impressed with all the creativity here.
Keep up the good ART!
ART is needed everywhere.
Greetings from Portugal
Rod Costa
"Sleep Sheep" made me conscious, 'cause somehow that totally quiet baby in the
carriage I know is me. "Sleep Sheep" made me nostalgic 'cause the center of Rome is
my second most favorite spot on the planet, and why does "Sleep Sheep" evoke
happiness for me? Because I laughed and laughed and laughed, from the moment
I saw your drawings.
Plus you are listed as a 'link' on google for Jasper Johns.
Ooooh, I'd like to be in Rome for dinner tonight!
Best regards,
Roberta Manning
I hope your new idea works! You continue to create all types of work - be they art or ideas.We are working on another project here - absolutearts.com is starting a new column on the homepage
and in the newsletter in the form of a blog - or running diary - written by 12 different artists, curators,
collectors and gallerists from around the world.
Each writer will be asked to publish a blog once a month.Our aim is to provide dedicated arts professionals with additional online coverage and,
at the same time, offer our readers and visitors quality insight to a variety of arts perspectives.
Is this something in which you would able to participate?
We thought you might be interested due to your seriousness about your art career
and your ability to clearly communicate your views.
Please email me as soon as possible.
We will be setting up a schedule and online interface for the authors in the next weeks.
Our goal is to launch be the first of next month.
Look forward to hearing from you!Jodi Melfi
Editor - Art News
Dear artist Asbjorn Lonvig
excuses the delay in responding I have visited one another your pages, partially, because you have a great production.
It is very original and of great coloring your works, found me very amusing and vital and extremely original.
We have sent you the invitation of the Casal so that you knew us and let us be in contact.
The shippings make them a web friend: paginadigital.com.ar that collaborates with us in the
diffusion of the convocations. In alone Denmark I know an artist,
Pious Valdez that is carrying out exhibitions facilities with other artists of several parts of the world.
You can visit our place: www.editorialcroquis.com.ar is at the moment in Spanish.
If you find that we can carry out on the whole you make it to me to know and
also to invite who you like to that he/she knows us and if he/she wants to expose here in Argentina.
We are in a space that is visited all over the world (Caminito),
and other spaces but.
Thank you to communicate. Sorry mi english
He/she writes when you want.
A cordial greeting from the South
Martin Enrique Gil
Buenos Aires
I have just found your site and found it so refreshing,
as have been looking for ideas for some paintings for my granddaughters baby's room,
and it has giving me some ideas and I just want to keep it simple, as I get older. Less is more seems to be the answer , keep up the good work. Lee Pennington
Very impressive abstracts
...keep it up :-)
Thank you. Your color and amazing simplicity inspire me so madly.
I'm looking for a brush now!
Incredible, quiet, moving, loud, and awesome!
Randy Jacobs
Dallas, TX
I am a New York based artist. I work primarily in pastels, oils & watercolor.
I loved your web designs and art that I located through absolute arts!
Is this to be another web magazine like absolute arts?
Is it solely your own promotion? It is GREAT!!!! If it is ongoing, how do I subscribe?
You have a linking option...I'm interested in it....please see my web site:
I wish you much success!!! Are you interested in a NY publisher....
I know of one who may be interested in your work....maybe
All the best for wonderful holidays!
Happy painting,
Ellen Fisch
Long Island
New York
BA in art from Brooklyn College
MA in art from New York University
Dear Asbjorn-
Thank you for making me your official NY fan club!! (but please spell my name correctly...Ellen Fisch )....
I love reading your Art Blogs and think that you are an art FORCE!!
Not only does your work encourage others with its eneryg, beauty and aethetic sensibility, but your writing is wonderful!!
Every time I go to your web site (often) I get a mega dose of art fuel!!
You are THE BEST!!
Warm Regards,
Ellen Fisch
Long Island
New York
BA in art from Brooklyn College
MA in art from New York University
PS I'm having a show of my work at the Jadite Gallery on West 50 Street in New York City.
Opening is April 5. If you are in New York, I hope you will stop by. I would love to meet you in person!!
Dear Asbjorn:
Thanks for ordering another 25 artworks. You account has been updated
to allow 75 artworks. We are so glad you are excited about Gallery
Direct and decided to upgrade your account to allow display of more of
your genious artwork.
Dave Yelen
President and founder of Gallery Direct
Forty Fort
I just like to congratulate you and thank you for the fantastic art work
that you have created and exhibited.
Keep on creating!!!
Best regards,
Paul Lionakis
Services Manager Dover/Calais
Favorit Museum: London Tate Modern
Dear Asbjorn Lonvig
Your website is truly colorful and fantastic!!
I entered the RSS in ArtistsBlog Headlines of artday.org.
Seiji Ueoka
Editor World ArtNews
I only have one word that best describes these books.
Thanks so much for the FREE downloads, they are very much appreciated.Thanks, Grandmother of 15
Hi Asbjorn Lonvig
Thanks for forwarding – magnificent article… Thanks
Bjarne Bækgaard
Communication manager
Aros Art Museum
Hi, your work is very powerful.
Your writings and work are very impressive.
Diane Leon
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Arts at New York University
New York
Congratulations on your beautiful work.
You have been accepted.
Michael Jason
Manhattan Arts International
New York
The Staff at ARTROM Gallery has met to view your images. We have also visited your
websites and entered immediately into your world.
We are impressed with your ability to simplify a concept into an image and concentrate it,
to incude only what is necessary. In evaluating your work for its strong graphic content, we became aware of the size of the originals; they are all quite large and are acrylic on canvas.
In viewing your works we discussed not only their graphic content, but discussed them as paintings, as objects unto themselves. Knowing that the images exist somewhere as objects of that dimension is far different than looking at images stored in some computer, regardless of how they were created. One can appreciate the graphic illustrative/informative quality of an image on a computer screen, but it stops there, until you know more about the image as it exists in "real life",
and this adds another dimension to the work. It also adds credibility to the commitment the artist has made to the image.
We feel that you believe in your commitment as an artist.
This is one of the aspects we look for in our GUILD Members.
When one believes in himself the message is clear. We are also interested in your "Manifesto" below. "It's about the fact that the art market is predicted to grow 3,5 times because of the Internet.
It's about my decision to stake everything on the internet.
It's about concentrating my efforts on the internet when it comes to sales.
It's about my decision to make new standards and challenge art traditions by
making my drafts on a computer and exhibit the drafts.
And insist upon that a computer is nothing but a new tool.
And insist upon that using a computer is as worthy as not doing it!!!
We would like to help you accomplish these things, and welcome you to become a Member of ARTROM Gallery GUILD.
International Society of Artists and Designers
Viale Carso, 71
Rome, Lazio,
Searching your web site I have to say that I AM IMPRESSED!!!
Absolute unique, dedicated, brilliant, excellent. I wish the see you.
Are you living outside Copenhagen?
Actually we are in Stockholm and London, we are passing throw Denmark in regular basis…
Anticipate thanks
Petru Russu
Editor and publisher
World Of Art Magazine
Mörbylund 19, 9tr, 182 30 Danderyd, Sweden
17 Ringwood Gardens, London, UK
Asbjorn, you are the ultimate artist!
Making the world more beautiful and fun by creating our inner most expressions into reality!
The child's wonderfully basic yet sophisticated view of life translates into the most amazing house!
Ellen FischLong Island
New York
BA in art from Brooklyn College
MA in art from New York University
Great, very interesting.
Your wide vision and conecting compex ideas in simple presentation are of high value.
You obsereve sights digest them and present them in colorful simple forms, have a quality of their own.
I wish you great success.
Today in India is Great Festival of Lights- Diwali,
On this occasion your paintings gave us enjoyment.
With regards,
O. P. Joshi, Sociologist of art, Ph.D.
Jaipur, Rajasthan
The World of Art Award granted to Asbjorn Lonvig, Denmark
"Absolute unique, dedicated, brilliant, excellent.
Searching your web site I have to say that I AM IMPRESSED!!!"
"...we granted you an award – The World of Art Award granted to artists and galleries
for the best practice in art and culture... "
Peter Russu
Editor of World of Art magazine
15 Manchester Court
E16 3GZ LONDON (UK) and
The Prize Jury
Andrea Pagnez, art critic, editor of World of Art magazine, Venice Biennial curator (Italy)
Christopher Chamber, art critic, editor of World of Art magazine, New York (USA)
Marta Dimitrescu, director of Artoteque.com, editorial director of World of Art magazine, London (UK)
Åke Wallén, director of BGAB, art collector, Stockholm (Sweden)
Peter Russu, director of Art Addiction, editor and publisher of World of Art magazine, London (UK)
HITS AND EXPOSURES "Lille Fejringhus", 23 February 2006
Visitors from all over the world have visitedwww.lonvig.dk, www.lonvig.biz, and www.lonvig.net
the different online galleries - see below.
Based on the recent statistics the number of views per year will be approximately 20 million views.
"Book of records"
On 10th November 2003 there were 30,558 on AbsoluteArts
due to featuring of the baby carriage
Since the exposure of the baby carriage in Arts News
on 5th November 2003 there has been 75,000 views.

Featuring of Thunderbird in January 2004 got the same number of views.
On 17th February 2004 there were 46,000 views on www.lonvig.dk
due to a campaign.

On 22 April 2004 this kangaroo was featured in Art News and had 40,000 views.
On 8 December 2004 there were 297,796 views on www.lonvig.dk.
In one week - 27 November 2004 to 3 December 2004 there were 1,804,188 views.
NATIONALITY OF MY VISOITORS Thanks to visitors from: Albania
Argentina (ar)
Aruba Australia (au)Austria (at)AzerbaijanBelgium (be)Belize
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazil (br)Brunei Darussalam (bn)Bulgaria (bg)Canada (ca)Cayman IslandChile (cl)China (cn)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Columbia (co)Costa RicaCroatia (hr)CubaCyprus (cy)Czech Republic (cz)Denmark (dk)Dominican Republic (do)EgyptEstonia (ee)EquadorFaeroe IslandsFiji Finland (fi)France (fr)
French Polynesia
GeorgiaGermany (de)
Gibraltar Greece (gr)GreenlandGuatemala (gt)Hong Kong (hk)Hungary (hu)Indonesia (id)Iceland (is)India (in)Iran (ir)Ireland (ie)Israel (il)Italy (it)JamaicaJapan (jp)Jordan
Kenya Korea, Republic of (kr)LatviaLibanon (lb)LithuaniaLuxemburg (lu)Macedonia (mk)Madagascar (mg)Malaysia (my)MaltaMauritius (mu)Mexico (mx)
MoldovaNamibia (na)
Nepal Netherlands (nl)New Zealand (nz)
Norway (no)Pakistan (pk)
Paraguay PeruPhilippines (ph)Poland (pl)Portugal (pt)
Qatar Romanian(ro)Russian Federation (ru)
San Marino
Saudi Arabia (sa)
Sweden (se)
Slovakia (sk)
Slovak Republic Slovenia (si)South Africa (za)
Sri Lanka
Singapore (sg)Spain (es)Sweden (se)Switzerland (ch)
Syria Thailand (th)Taiwan (tw)
Togo Trinidad and Tobago (tt)Turkey (tr)
Tuvalu Ukraine (ua)United Arabic Emirates (ae)United Kingdom (uk)United States (us)Uruguay (uy)Venezuela (ve)
Virgin Islands VietnamYugoslavia (yu)
Zimbabwe Commercial (com)Network (net)Educational (edu)US Government (gov)US Military (mil)
COPYRIGHT ASBJORN LONVIGsee Asbjorn Lonvig'sCopyright - Business Concept - Disclaimer