Tuesday, March 20, 2012

8 Ways to Organize Kids?EUR(TM) Art Suppliers Well

Kids are really creative in terms of excelling in art work. At the same time, they create a lot of mess out of their art supplies. In order to prevent them from scattering all the materials after they have finished painting, it is important that you come up with an effective strategy to store all the art materials conveniently.
You can follow some steps mentioned below:

1.Divide the art supplies into two categories: messy and non-messy. Paint, sculpting clays, dough, and glitter are more likely to be messy after their usage. So you can store these kinds of materials in a container. Now keep this container in a place where young children cannot reach easily.

2.Since there are various types of utensils used for coloring, you can make use of plastic containers for storing them. These containers should be resealable afterwards as well. Do not mix different coloring utensils.

3.Some art tools are single items. Examples are scissors, erasers, glue, and hole punches. For these kinds of items, use a separate plastic box where you can keep all these supplies together.

4.There are some craft supplies that require adult supervision. For instance, craft knives, strong glues, and pointy scissors should be kept away from young children. Keep all these supplies in a separate container and place it where they cannot reach easily.

5.Papers used for the purpose of drawing and painting are sensitive and they can get wrinkled easily if proper care is not taken. Therefore, you can look for a flat and large container in which you can keep these papers.

6.Children have projects that are still in progress. Designate a large box for this kind of art work. Tell your children that if they have unfinished projects, they can place those in the box and resume later. Mess resulting from on-going art projects will be minimized this way.

7.Since beads are small, these can easily get scattered all around your house. In order to avoid this, you can buy a plastic container that has divider sections in it. Keep all the scattered beads as well as any jewelry supplies in it. The next time your children want to use beads in their art work, it will be easy for them to take out all the beads at once.

8.Keep the container for cleaned-up craft supplies separate from other supplies that your children are currently using. This is beneficial in terms of educating them that cleaning up all art materials is also important.

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