Friday, May 4, 2012

The Importance of a Good Quality Paint Brush

Knowing which paint brush to use and when is not something many people would consider, unless you are a budding artist. Then it becomes vital for your artwork to know exactly what size works best with which mediums.

First of all it is wise to know whether you require a brush for a large painting or simply a brush for a small piece of art. This will come as a surprise to the majority of us, but if you have got used to a set of brushes you will more than likely have accumulated an outfit consonant in retrospect of your work. Every artist will have their own size regimes and this is okay, but as they will realise depending on the size of their artwork they will require very different brushes. This is ordinary but the one major fact is that large brushes differ in more than just their size; in most cases they are a lot more expensive and are often manufactured in lesser materials.

As you make your way through your artwork you will soon realise that quality comes at a price. You will often see watercolour brushes ranging in price, from a bargain pack of five to those which boast a royal seal of approval. Now yes the price will differ greatly and the pack of five may seem appealing as they cost half the price of the single royal sealed brush, but as soon as you start using the bargain pack of brushes you will not only feel the difference, but they will last you the best part of day. Whereas the more costly royal sealed brush will last you a lifetime. It is always wise when it comes to art to stay with branded products. Some of the best brands on the market are as follows: Winsor & Newton Series 7, Isabey, Rafael, Arches, Escoda, Pro Arte just to name a few. Some of the less popular names but yet still very good are Princeton and Grumbacher. Any aspiring artist will tell you that buying a good brand is essential. Stay clear of buying bargain basement art supplies as they will not only end up costing you more in the long run but they will affect your work and make you under perform.

Another aspect worth mentioning is whether your water colour painting brush is going to be used for indoor painting or outdoor painting. Yes you can use an indoor brush outdoor and vice versa, however this will involve an unnecessary compromise. The indoor brush is not manufactured to be exposed to the elements and is made to be used with great care and unfortunately when outdoors this care can be lacking, so it is wise to simply invest in an outdoor purpose brush. This will usually come with a protective metal tube or container to keep it safe whilst in transit.

If you are unsure where to purchase a good quality paint brush and wish to find out more then get in contact with Crafty Arts. Crafty Arts are leaders in the supply of quality art supplies and bespoke art materials for all aspiring artists.

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