Saturday, March 3, 2012

My User Portal Concept...

I load large files of all the images to print on demand contracting parties in Salt Lake City, Seattle, and San Francisco Bay Area. The images are approved at once in Salt Lake City and Seattle. In San Francisco the images might wait for approval.

First of all I use a User Portal logo.

The logo is of course a portal. In a matter of fact it is a very specific portal. It is the Arch of Septimus Severus, which was erected in the Roman Forum in A.D. 203 by the Roman Emperor Septimus Severus.
You can't study Roman history without visiting the Roman Forum once.
You can't visit the Roman Forum without passing through the Arch of Septimus Severus.
In this logo a BETA will shown in the big arch. That is because the 40 different User Portals, that have been launched so far are being tested.
The Aarhus City Portal is marked with a BETA, too.

See the Aarhus City Portal.
The motifs are presented. Here 7 motifs. You might see an enlargement by clicking on an image.
Then there are 3 sections. 1, 2 and 3.

1.  The user must have some free titbit. So I give him the possibility to download three Word documents of each motif. Word documents that can be printed on the user's own printer.
I have to be aware of different formats in European and American standards. The European standard is A format and the American standard it is Letter format.  The Aarhus City Portal probably will only be used by Europeans - therefore the A format is offered.

2.  Here I guide the user to order print at print on demand contracting parties. One in Salt Lake City, one in Seattle and one in San Francisco Bay area.
By guiding to 3 print on demand contracting parties the users are offered a variety of sizes, prices, qualities and surfaces.
At the same time I keep track of what happens in this market.

The prices are kept low - the user only pays the base print price and internet costs. The user can order prints in sizes from 3.5 x 5” to 40 x 60” on paper and canvas – and some other funny surfaces like T-shirts, mugs, tote bags etc. etc. The print contracting party handles ordering and payment. The printing of course and the prints are sent directly to the user.

If the user wants to see some of the my other 750 images for print there is a link to the main pages in Salt Lake City, Seattle, and San Francisco Bay Area.

3. If the user wants something special. A painting. Limited edition prints. Signed prints. A huge print on canvas larger than 40 x 60" - no problem, he just has to contact me.

A brochure is available to each User Portal.
The brochure is of course used for initial presentation of the portal.
You can download the brochure Aarhus City Portal from the portal.

Now what is the most important to succeed with these User Portals.
Is it to do excellent motifs? No!
Is it to simplify the User Portal? No!
Is it to make an extremely eye catching brochure? No!

It is to communicate the User Portal Concept to people that are not familiar with computers, with internet etc.
I can not do it myself.
I know too much.
You might as well say I know much too little.

Journalists know how to present this kind of stuff to their readers.

This week Ny Hedensted Portal and Ny Vejle Portal will have press coverage.

Tomorrow I'll translate the Aarhus City Portal into Danish and find a journalist at the Aarhus newspaper Aarhus Stiftstidende.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Article Fairy Tales in a new Medium - Fairy Tale Posters...

See this Fairy Tale Poster enlarged.
See the written fairy tale on the internet.

This is the Hebrew translation of "Octo-Pus the Cuttlefish and
Crab-Mac-Claw the Crab".
The Hebrew translation is done by Yochanan Dvir, who lives in the kibitz Lehavot Habashan in Northern Israel near the Lebanese border.
Yochanan Dvir translates the fairy tales and put them on his own site in Hebrew
See it ready to print on demand at
See this Fairy Tale Poster enlarged.
See the written fairy tale on the internet.

Francesca Fancini from Milan, Italy has translated
"Octo-Pus the Cuttlefish and Crab-Mac-Claw the Crab" into Italian.
The story is called "La Seppia e il Granchio" in Italian.
Green, white and red are the Italian colors.
See it ready to print on demand at
See this Fairy Tale Poster enlarged.
See the written fairy tale on the internet.

The fairy tales are translated into Chinese by Ni Duan, Hangzhou, China.
Hangzhou is the capital of China's Zhejiang Province 120 miles south west of Shanghai.
A small Chinese city of  7 million people!!!
Ni Duan and Jan Engberg, Shanghai are helping me to find a Chinese publisher.
See it ready to print on demand at

Translation into Japanese and Danish has been finished.
Translation into Spanish, Persian and Hebrew is in process.
When this project is finished I think there are 50 Fairy Tale Posters.

Asbjorn, you are the ultimate artist!

Download brochures.   TESTIMONIALS
 by Asbjorn Lonvig, artist/designer
Link to me - I'll reciprocate. Contact me
 Site navigation.

Content of this page:
see testimonials.
see hits and exposures.
see nationality of visitors.  What do they say about my art, design,
storytelling, fairy tales etc. around the world?

sobre Asbjorn Lonvig
críticos en Editorial Croquis,
Compartimiento del Arte, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Muestra un claro predominio de la actitud geométrica, emplea colores planos contrastados,
destacando los conceptos próximos al pop-art.
La obra del conocido artista danés Asbjorn Lonvig se interesa por los símbolos,
iconos de una sociedad que se rige por imágenes, descontextualizándolos,
emplazándolos en otras composiciones, en las que destaca su frescura y dinamicidad.
Confecciona conjuntos formales, en los que predominan ideas sensibles,
alegóricas infantiles o bien temáticas sin malicie,
buscando ‘mironianamente’ una actitud sugerente que configure poco a poco un mundo de gran sensibilidad
que va cautivando al espectador dentro de una calidez atractiva a pesar de la frialdad inicial.
Su contribución a la pintura pasa por el dominio de la composición, cultivando la forma, potenciando el uso pasional del color,
para dotar a su pintura de características sugerentes que van más allá de los límites de las propias temáticas.
Comunica ironía, plasma una gran curiosidad innata, que se entrelaza por su tendencia a la experimentación,
pero siempre supeditándola al control compositivo, buscando un claro diálogo entre forma, color, equilibrio y expresividad tonal.  Joan Lluís Montané
Crítico de Arte

De la Asociación Internacional de Críticos de Arte  

about Asbjorn Lonvig in
Editorial Croquis Art Magazine etc.
in Buenos Aires

Translated by Inter-Set, Denmark from Spanish
Asbjorn Lonvig demonstrates a clear predominance towards a geometrical approach,
using flat contrasted colours, emphasising perceptions which come close to being pop art.
The oeuvre of the well-known Danish artist involves symbols, icons of a society dominated by images,
decontextualising them, inserting them in other compositions in which their freshness and dynamism are emphasised.
He produces formal assemblies in which sensitive ideas, infantile allegories or non-hurtful subjects, predominate,
seeking in the style of Miró an evocative approach little-by-little shaping a world of great sensitivity which captivates the observer
with an attractive warmth in spite of its initial lack of emotion.

  His contribution to painting extends further than the field of composition,
cultivating form, fostering the passionate use of colour in order to endow his painting
with suggestive features which go beyond the limits of the subjects themselves. 

He communicates irony, gives expression to immense innate curiosity connected with his tendency to experimentation,
but always subordinating it to compositional organisation,
seeking a clear dialogue between form, colour, balance and tonal expressiveness. Joan Lluís Montané
Art Critic

Member of the International Art Critics Association
I have added a link to your site too under "Creative People"
New Zealand

Dear Asbjorn,
your work is amazing!
I am really impressed with the use of colour and your contribution to art and design,
Jorge Restrepo
(born in Columbia)


Ho scoperto oggi per caso il tuo sito. Beh, innanzi tutto e` stato

fantastico vedere, leggere e sentire il tuo amore per l' Italia e in
particolare per Roma, citta` in cui sono nato. I tuoi lavori, con la
vivacita` dei colori che sai imprimere in modo giusto ed espressivo, sono
come il sole d' estate quando, al calar sui granai del Lazio e della
Toscana, infonde i suoi raggi sulle spighe riflettendoci sopra anche colori
di albe boreali nordiche.
C' e` vita e calore nelle tue fantastiche opere.
Complimenti Lonvig!
Un saluto da un italiano in Olanda.
Ernesto Romano Antonacci

hello mr. Asbjorn Lonvig,your work is very well, your abstract is simple but so andso deep..i wish you the very good luckAmany Ali Fahmy, Ph.D Helwan University, Cairo
Pyramids AvenueGizaEgypt
Yours stood out. I'm impressed. So many artists nowadays do not produce virgin works.They copy someone else's style. Imagination has been lost.You do have an extremely unique style! Coordination of colors and shapes are superb! Sincerely,Johnny W. MorlanLubbockTexas
    I'd like to send you my compliments for your outstanding work.Mark Collins
   Dear Mr. Lonvig,Your work is lovely, and thanks for sharing it with us. I particularly liked the Hans ChristianAndersen Festival posters.If you plan to display your work in , please send an announcement tocalendar@latimes.comThanks again.Very truly yours,Barry ZwickCalifornia
                           What a wonderful site! It makes me proud to be an artist and gets me anxious to create more!Keep it up!Rosana Modugno(born in Uruguay)New York
   Impressive Work!I think your "motif" ("Motif to a business") piece is an excellent work of art.
I like the basic colors and your use of white space to center the piece and add to it's position in the center.Respectfully,Jess PeterlinMetro Marquette AreaMichigan

   Highly original derivative, oxymoronic singularity, individually universal, satiricalchutzpah subversive hilarity. I am LOVING LONVIGFlorence SiegelBoro of QueensNew York

Congratulations. Wonderful work!
Please, look my website:
Ed Primo
Sao Paulo
  Hi Asbjorn,
It's so good to see your work, it's so different! I would also like you to see myworks, and you'll realize why I like your work. Shefali NayanAhmedabadIndia
   a plug, really.. on January 1, 2003, the GlitterChildren will unveil those changesthat are ahead in our world of art, philosophy, and community.After my annoying plug above, i took a look around your site.This is really impressive work. I will be back to take a look again.Chris LockhartNorth Carolina

Greetings from The Ancient One I was on a Divinely Choreographed Journey through cyberspace when a
mystical window opened and I found your site. Bravo on a job well done.
The uniqueness of the self is a wonderful thing.
May the Doors of Enlightment be open to you always. My name is Micheal Teal. I am a Psychic , Poet ,
Spiritual Advisor and Freelance Writer in Hamilton Ontario Canada.
I found your site to be a creative path , refreshingly honest and leaving one with a feeling of well being.
I wish you peace and prosperity. May the Song of Nature serenade you always with a hymn that celebrates the sacredness in everyday life.The Ancient One
I happened to come across your work on You have some veryinteresting work. I especially liked the Sad Days Indeed painting. I lookforward to seeing more of your work in the future.Nick RyanMetro Detroit  AreaMichigan

”Dear Master Lonvig (but after reading your biography and seen your wonderful Art, your name should be
"Loving"), thank you for your interest in participating  in this Feast of Culture and Art.”,
“………..are you sure you are not Italian?”
“…..I have no words to tell you how much I enjoyed your art presentation you sent me. I can tell you it would be an honour for us to have your works with us…”
prof. Giancarlo Alu
director of Mantena Museum
director of Mondial Art and Culture

 He just loved your work, Mr. Lonvig, and can't thank you enough for your kindness. His children will be online next week to thank you....Again, I thank you for your generosity of time and spirit. Perhaps it is artists, great like you and small like me, who always take the time to remember that their gift is one to share with the world, lest it vanish at any given moment.
 Ann Watson
Calusa Elementary School
Boca Raton

I love your concept! Your art and your generosity of spirit.
I am a concert pianist and am very committed to inner
city kids in Hartford CT.

Sanda Schuldmann
Executive Director
Chamber Music Plus

your work is really great!!!
I have gone through your portfolio and your other links too!!!!
Wish you happy creations!!!
Prakash Deshmukh


Thank you for your enquiry. 
We have reviewed your web site and you work is fantastic,
you have a unique style of painting.
Pauline Lionel
Customer Service Manager
United Kingdom

Hi Asbjorn,
I'm writing to you to tell you I like your work....the way you express the synthesis is very interesting
By the an argentinian artist, if you have a minute i invite you to visit my site
María de la Vega
Buenos Aires

Hi Asbjorn
Thank you for your words....that danish artist " Kvium" is amazing! He
remainds me the paintings of Goya.....really dark and misterious art
Ive been looking your site and its incredible the way you show and sell your
work, your personal history, the way you wrote it, its so concrete....
Coincidence, calming down (all the abstract serie in general),Via Sacra and
Grotte celoni are fabulous (but first of all Lucca =)  )
(sorry, my english is not good enough to tell you all the things i want
about your work)
thank you for reading this  message
María de la Vega
Buenos Aires

I'm you are creative and diligent:
o)....I like your stuff because the beauty is in simplicity..... Just a warm hello to Denmark from Germany
Gudrun Ploetz
Bad Nauheim

Hello Asbjorn,
All of your art and specially the Lucca Project are superb works of fine art.
I have enjoyed your art works with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm.
Best from
Anton Vogels
Dulwich Hill,   Sydney
New South Wales

I was quite impressed with all the creativity here.
Keep up the good ART!
ART is needed everywhere.
Greetings from Portugal
Rod Costa

"Sleep Sheep" made me conscious, 'cause somehow that totally quiet baby in the
carriage I know is me. "Sleep Sheep" made me nostalgic 'cause the center of Rome is
my second most favorite spot on the planet, and why does "Sleep Sheep" evoke
happiness for me? Because I laughed and laughed and laughed, from the moment
I saw your drawings.
Plus you are listed as a 'link' on google for Jasper Johns.
Ooooh, I'd like to be in Rome for dinner tonight!
Best regards,
Roberta Manning

I hope your new idea works! You continue to create all types of work - be they art or ideas.We are working on another project here - is starting a new column on the homepage
and in the newsletter in the form of a blog - or running diary - written by 12 different artists, curators,
collectors and gallerists from around the world.
Each writer will be asked to publish a blog once a month.Our aim is to provide dedicated arts professionals with additional online coverage and,
at the same time, offer our readers and visitors quality insight to a variety of arts perspectives.
Is this something in which you would able to participate?
We thought you might be interested due to your seriousness about your art career
and your ability to clearly communicate your views.
Please email me as soon as possible.
We will be setting up a schedule and online interface for the authors in the next weeks.
Our goal is to launch be the first of next month.
Look forward to hearing from you!Jodi Melfi
Editor - Art News

Dear artist Asbjorn Lonvig
excuses the delay in responding I have visited one another your pages, partially, because you have a great production.
It is very original and of great coloring your works, found me very amusing and vital and extremely original.   
We have sent you the invitation of the Casal so that you knew us and let us be in contact.
The shippings make them a web friend: that collaborates with us in the
diffusion of the convocations. In alone Denmark I know an artist,
Pious Valdez that is carrying out exhibitions facilities with other artists of several parts of the world.   
You can visit our place: is at the moment in Spanish.   
If you find  that we can carry out on the whole you make it to me to know and
also to invite who you like to that he/she knows us and if he/she wants to expose here in Argentina.
We are in a space that is visited all over the world (Caminito),
and other spaces but.   
Thank you to communicate. Sorry mi english   
He/she writes when you want.
A cordial greeting from the South
Martin Enrique Gil
Buenos Aires

I have just found your site and found it so refreshing,
as have been looking for ideas for some paintings for my granddaughters  baby's room,
and it has giving me some ideas and I just want to keep it simple, as I get older. Less is more seems to be the answer , keep up the good work.  Lee Pennington

Very impressive abstracts
...keep it up :-)


Thank you.
Your color and amazing simplicity inspire me so madly.
I'm looking for a brush now!
Incredible, quiet, moving, loud, and awesome!
Randy Jacobs
Dallas, TX

I am a New York based artist. I work primarily in pastels, oils & watercolor.
I loved your web designs and art that I located through absolute arts! 
Is this to be another web magazine like absolute arts? 
Is it solely your own promotion?  It is GREAT!!!!  If it is ongoing, how do I subscribe? 
You have a linking option...I'm interested in it....please see my web site:
I wish you much success!!!  Are you interested in a NY publisher....
I know of one who may be interested in your work....maybe
All the best for  wonderful holidays!
Happy painting,
Ellen Fisch
Long Island
New York
BA in art from Brooklyn College
MA in art from New York University

Dear Asbjorn-
Thank you for making me your official NY fan club!! (but please spell my name correctly...Ellen Fisch )....
I love reading your Art Blogs and think that you are an art FORCE!! 
Not only does your work encourage others with its eneryg, beauty and aethetic sensibility, but your writing is wonderful!! 
Every time I go to your web site (often) I get a mega dose of art fuel!! 
You are THE BEST!!
Warm Regards,
Ellen Fisch
Long Island
New York
BA in art from Brooklyn College
MA in art from New York University
PS I'm having a show of my work at the Jadite Gallery on West 50 Street in New York City. 
Opening is April 5.  If you are in New York, I hope you will stop by.  I would love to meet you in person!!

Dear Asbjorn:
Thanks for ordering another 25 artworks.  You account has been updated
to allow 75 artworks.  We are so glad you are excited about Gallery
Direct and decided to upgrade your account to allow display of more of
your genious artwork.
Dave Yelen
President and founder of Gallery Direct
Forty Fort

I just like to congratulate you and thank you for the fantastic art work
that you have created and exhibited.
Keep on creating!!!
Best regards,
Paul Lionakis
Services Manager Dover/Calais
Favorit Museum: London Tate Modern

Dear Asbjorn Lonvig
Your website is truly colorful and fantastic!!
I entered the RSS in ArtistsBlog Headlines of
Seiji Ueoka
Editor World ArtNews

I only have one word that best describes these books.
Thanks so much for the FREE downloads, they are very much appreciated.Thanks, Grandmother of 15

Hi Asbjorn Lonvig
 Thanks for forwarding – magnificent article… Thanks 
Bjarne Bækgaard
 Communication manager
Aros Art Museum

Hi, your work is very powerful.
Your writings and work are very impressive.
Diane Leon
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Arts at New York University
New York

Congratulations on your beautiful work.
You have been accepted.
Michael Jason
Manhattan Arts International
New York

The Staff at ARTROM Gallery has met to view your images. We have also visited your websites and entered immediately into your world.
We are impressed with your ability to simplify a concept into an image and concentrate it,
to incude only what is necessary. In evaluating your work for its strong graphic content, we  became aware of the size of the originals; they are all quite large and are acrylic on canvas. 
In viewing your works we discussed not only their graphic content, but discussed them as paintings, as objects unto themselves. Knowing that the images exist somewhere as objects of that dimension is far different than looking at images stored in some computer, regardless of how they were created. One can appreciate the graphic illustrative/informative quality of an image on a computer screen, but it stops there, until you know more about the image as it exists in "real life",
and this adds another dimension to the work. It also adds credibility to the commitment the artist has made to the image.
We feel that you believe in your commitment as an artist.
This is one of the aspects we look for in our GUILD Members.
When one believes in himself the message is clear.  We are also interested in your "Manifesto" below.         "It's about the fact that the art market is predicted to grow 3,5 times because of the Internet.

It's about my decision to stake everything on the internet.
It's about concentrating my efforts on the internet when it comes to sales.
It's about my decision to make new standards and challenge art traditions by
making my drafts on a computer and exhibit the drafts.
And insist upon that a computer is nothing but a new tool.
And insist upon that using a computer is as worthy as not doing it!!!

We would like to help you accomplish these things, and welcome you to become a Member of ARTROM Gallery GUILD. ARTROM GALLERY GUILD
International Society of Artists and Designers
Viale Carso, 71
Rome, Lazio,

Searching your web site I have to say that I AM IMPRESSED!!!
Absolute unique, dedicated, brilliant, excellent. I wish the see you.
Are you living outside Copenhagen?
Actually we are in Stockholm and London, we are passing throw Denmark in regular basis…

Anticipate thanks
Petru Russu
Editor and publisher
World Of Art Magazine
Mörbylund 19, 9tr, 182 30 Danderyd, Sweden
17 Ringwood Gardens, London, UK

Asbjorn, you are the ultimate artist!
Making the world more beautiful and fun by creating our inner most expressions into reality!
The child's wonderfully basic yet sophisticated view of life translates into the most amazing house!

Ellen Fisch
Long Island
New York
BA in art from Brooklyn College
MA in art from New York University

Great, very interesting.
Your wide vision and conecting compex ideas in simple presentation are of high value.
You obsereve sights digest them and present them in colorful simple forms, have a quality of their own.
I wish you great success.
Today in India is Great Festival of Lights- Diwali,
On this occasion your paintings gave us enjoyment.

With regards,
O. P. Joshi,  Sociologist of art, Ph.D.
College of KISHANGARH  
Jaipur, Rajasthan

The World of Art Award granted to Asbjorn Lonvig, Denmark
"Absolute unique, dedicated, brilliant, excellent.
Searching your web site I have to say that I AM IMPRESSED!!!"
"...we granted you an award – The World of Art Award granted to artists and galleries
for the best practice in art and culture... "

Peter Russu
Editor of World of Art magazine
15 Manchester Court

The Prize Jury
Andrea Pagnez, art critic, editor of World of Art magazine, Venice Biennial curator (Italy)
Christopher Chamber, art critic, editor of World of Art magazine, New York (USA)
Marta Dimitrescu, director of, editorial director of World of Art magazine, London (UK)
Åke Wallén, director of BGAB, art collector, Stockholm (Sweden)
Peter Russu, director of Art Addiction, editor and publisher of World of Art magazine, London (UK)

HITS AND EXPOSURES   "Lille Fejringhus", 23 February 2006
Visitors from all over the world have,, and
the different online galleries - see below.

Based on the recent statistics the number of views per year will be approximately 20 million views.

"Book of records"
On 10th November 2003 there were 30,558 on AbsoluteArts
due to featuring of the baby carriage

Since the exposure of the baby carriage in Arts News
on 5th November 2003 there has been 75,000 views.

Featuring of Thunderbird in January 2004 got the same number of views.
On 17th February 2004 there were 46,000 views on
due to a campaign.

On 22 April 2004 this kangaroo was featured in Art News and had 40,000 views.

On 8 December 2004 there were 297,796 views on
In one week - 27 November 2004 to 3 December 2004 there were 1,804,188 views.

NATIONALITY OF MY VISOITORS Thanks to visitors from: Albania

Argentina (ar)

Aruba Australia (au)Austria (at)AzerbaijanBelgium (be)Belize
 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazil (br)Brunei Darussalam (bn)Bulgaria (bg)Canada (ca)Cayman IslandChile (cl)China (cn)
 Cocos (Keeling) Islands Columbia (co)Costa RicaCroatia (hr)CubaCyprus (cy)Czech Republic (cz)Denmark (dk)Dominican Republic (do)EgyptEstonia (ee)EquadorFaeroe IslandsFiji Finland (fi)France (fr)
French Polynesia
GeorgiaGermany (de)
 Gibraltar Greece (gr)GreenlandGuatemala (gt)Hong Kong (hk)Hungary (hu)Indonesia (id)Iceland (is)India (in)Iran (ir)Ireland (ie)Israel (il)Italy (it)JamaicaJapan (jp)Jordan
Kenya Korea, Republic of (kr)LatviaLibanon (lb)LithuaniaLuxemburg (lu)Macedonia (mk)Madagascar (mg)Malaysia (my)MaltaMauritius (mu)Mexico (mx)
MoldovaNamibia (na)
 Nepal Netherlands (nl)New Zealand (nz)
Norway (no)Pakistan (pk)
 Paraguay PeruPhilippines (ph)Poland (pl)Portugal (pt)
Qatar Romanian(ro)Russian Federation (ru)
San Marino
Saudi Arabia (sa)
Sweden (se)
Slovakia (sk)
Slovak Republic Slovenia (si)South Africa (za)
Sri Lanka
Singapore (sg)Spain (es)Sweden (se)Switzerland (ch)
 Syria Thailand (th)Taiwan (tw)
Trinidad and Tobago (tt)Turkey (tr)
 Tuvalu Ukraine (ua)United Arabic Emirates (ae)United Kingdom (uk)United States (us)Uruguay (uy)Venezuela (ve)
 Virgin Islands VietnamYugoslavia (yu)
 Zimbabwe  Commercial (com)Network (net)Educational (edu)US Government (gov)US Military (mil)
My way - I am proud of doing it my way.   COPYRIGHT ASBJORN LONVIGsee Asbjorn Lonvig'sCopyright - Business Concept - Disclaimer 

Article: "Playhouse inspired by Gaudi..."

   RSS with all Art News Artblog articles
  RSS with Asbjorn Lonvig's Art News Artblog articles

Playhouse inspired by Gaudi... Sculptural playhouse for children by Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig - inspired by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona, SpainIn my family you do not buy a playhouse.
You design it and you build it yourself.
This one is for Morten's daughters, Lucca and Laura.
Originally our plans were a playhouse with 6 walls - a hexagon.
And a tower, from which you have a wide view.
A gazebo.
Morten and I were a little relieved when some strong female influence  made the plans less ambitious:

A four sided house with a chimney.

Morten and I decided, that the playhouse design should be based on the fantastic Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi's characteristically warped form - see about Gaudi below.
We have seen his work in Barcelona.
Newly we had seen playhouses in Legoland,
see the article "Hi sculptor...I mean you!!!" for more about Legoland.

Lucca has decided the color scheme.
Yellow walls.
Red windows and door.
Green roof.
Her mother has decided the overall design criteria: No spiders.

I collected all the plates I had in stock in and around Lille Fejringhus and went to Hinnerup in Denmark, where Morten and his family live.

Hello, granddad.
Would you like some coffee?
And we started drawing.
Four pressure-creosoted posts in the corners.
Tilting walls.

A floor that is elevated from the ground. Remember, no spiders.
2 hammers
4 kinds of saws.
And many more tools.

And very few tears.
Some days later the house was ready to paint.
Sculptural playhouse for children by Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig - inspired by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona, Spain

The shape of the windows are organic.
The windows are red.
Sculptural playhouse for children by Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig - inspired by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona, Spain

There is a shop in the playhouse.
There is a counter in one window.
You can buy a cup of excellent coffee,
candy and much more.
And take a look at the small house
on a post to the left of
the playhouse.
Sculptural playhouse for children by Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig - inspired by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona, Spain It's a birdhouse.
Built by Morten's baby brother Jakob.
There is a triangular hole in the birdhouse.
A circular hole would have been
a non-Gaudi hole.
There is a perch with a bulb at the end.
That's sure a Gaudi-bulp and a Gaudi-perch.
Sculptural playhouse for children by Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig - inspired by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona, Spain And a chimney.
Not a tall slim one.
I was drawing a draft of
a tall slim chimney.
Morten saw my draft and said,
No,  no, no, no,
a small fat chimney.
A Gaudi-chimney.
Morten knows Gaudi better
than I do.
There is a huge metallic sculpture by the
motoway, just at the entrance to the city,
where I live.
Lucca calls this sculpture grandad's chimney.
After having struggled with building the
Gaudi-chimny, grandad's chimney has got a new meaning.

The roof has the characteristically warped shape.

Sculptural playhouse for children by Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig - inspired by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona, Spain And the window in the gable
has a an exact Gaudi shape.
A shape Morten found in a book on
some of Gaudi's architecture.
 Sculptural playhouse for children by Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig - inspired by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona, Spain Lucca has painted this number herself.
Morten had a long discussion with Lucca
about where the number should be placed.
I agreed with Morten that it ought to be
placed on a post at the entrance to the
But Lucca insisted: On the gable
to the left of the door.
Sculptural playhouse for children by Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig - inspired by Antoni Gaudi, Barcelona, Spain The door is a red ghost
with two eyes.
When your walls are tilted
and the door must be a Gaudi-door........

Many have asked Morten and I if we consider
to enter the business of designing, building and selling playhouses?
Of course not.
Of course.....

How could Barcelona accept Gaudi's architecture and his characteristically warped form?
How could anyone?
Was his style les controversial in those days - Gothic Revival?

If Morten and I entered the "playhouse business" - it might be fun to let one particular great master's style be the point of departure, be the inspiration.
Why not build a Picasso-playhouse?
A Miro-playhouse?
A Matisse-playhouse?

Do you know the Austrian painter Hunderdwasser?
A Hundredwasser-playhous would be great fun.

And a Salvador Dali-playhouse?

*) Antoni Gaudi
Was born in Reus in Spain 1852.
The son of a coppersmith.
Antoni Gaudi was born in Reus, Spain in 1852.
Reus is not very far from Barcelona. In Barcelona you find his major art works.
He studied at the "Escola Superior d'Arquitectura" in Barcelona and designed his first major work for the Casa Vincens in Barcelona using a Gothic Revival style that he never left. Over the course of his career, Gaudi developed a sensuous, curving, almost surreal design style which established him as the innovative leader of the Spanish Art Nouveau movement. With little regard for formal order, he juxtaposed unrelated systems and altered established visual order. Gaudi's characteristically warped form of Gothic architecture drew admiration from other avant-garde artists.
Although categorized with the Art Nouveau, Gaudi created an entirely original style.
He died in Barcelona in 1926.
 Playhouse - inspired by Gaudi, Lego and Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig.Playhouse - inspired by Gaudi, Lego and Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig.Playhouse - inspired by Gaudi, Lego and Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig.
Playhouse - inspired by Gaudi, Lego and Morten and Asbjorn Lonvig.

Bravo Asbjorn for your wonderful take, in pictures and words, on the corporate world in which we live!!


[Previous entry: "PICTURE THIS - making art for eternity"] [Next entry: "How to communicate through pictures..."]

See CORPORATE VALUES by Michael Juul Jensen at the end of this article.
Corporate values - it sounds boring. Corporate valuez..zzzz...
Storytelling has recently been the buzzword in management.
I went to a couple of storytelling seminars - zzzz..ztorytelling zzzz..zeminars!!!

Did you know that Pfizer Inc. has shown great interest in the combination
of corporate values and storytelling as a sedative drug for those who suffer from insomnia?

Managing director Henrik Thorning, president and founder of Fiberline Composites Inc.
had won the Danish Industry Initiative Award.
I always make an art work to the award winner.
I met him in his factory - I was searching for some inspiration.
He showed me everything - enthusiastically.
He told me everything - enthusiastically.
He had just finished a timeconsuming work of developing the corporate values for the company.
But they were not implemented, yet.
As he saw the logo I had made to 1st grad at Hedensted school.....

Henrik Thorning was excited.
Make a story about SOFUS.
Exactly as pedagogically as the 1st grade logo.

And my very own storytelling concept had popped up.

A little bit of information to the reader:
Why a story about SOFUS?
Fiberline Composite Inc.'s corporate values focused on Samspil=Interplay, Ordentlighed=decency, Forudseenhed=foresight, Udfordring=challenge and Sund ?konomi=Yield a profit. The initials says SOFUS.
( English I still will call him SOFUS. Interplay, Decency, Foresight, Challenge and Yield a profit
says IDFCY....we couldn't call him IDFCY?)

for Fiberline Composites Inc., Denmark
Hi! My name is SOFUS.
My name has five letters.
They are the initials (in Danish) of five keywords,
that describes the values on which my company builds its business.

The first keyword is interplay.

Sofus Interplay

Here I am with open arms,
blue hair,
4 freckles,
large ears,
a big smile,
my very new overall trousers
and a red Shirt
inviting customers, colleges and cooperators
to play with me.
To work together with me.
Then it becomes more fun for me and more fun for you to go to work.

We will become more enthusiastic.

We will communicate better,
and what is most important,
we will be better troubleshooters concerning those problems,
that always will arise in an interplay.

Sofus Decency

Just for fun I have put on a halo.
I am not very holy.
I love beer and girls as everybody else.
But in a cooperation, I believe there must be some rules.
I keep what I promise.
If there are any changes in what we have agreed
we have to talk about it,
even if it can be difficult.

My intention is that whatever I have committed myself to,
will be achieved.

In this way I can assure myself and anybody else that my work will be done in the same way every time
achieving the highest possible standards.

Sofus Foresight...........

It is hard to foretell, especially about the future. Said the Danish humorist Storm P.
However we are not supposed to foretell.
We have to find all the elements, all the facts
that can tell us what the future probably will be like.
We have to keep a sharp lookout all the time.
We have to make good educated guesses.
We have to find out our goals.
Then we know which way to point.

We always try to achieve our goals.
If there is something wrong about our goals, if they are not realistic,
we will have them adjusted.

Sofus Challenge

Recently I was in the city of all cities, Paris.
I was in the Louvre where I saw Mona Lisa, I was
in Montmartre,
here I saw Place du Tetre with all the exhibiting and working artists, and
I saw the huge white cathedral Sacr?-Coeur.
And I saw everything else you have to see in Paris.
For instance the old Triumphal Arch and the new one.
I was at the top of them both. I had to use the stairs in the old Triumphal Arch,
but fortunately there was an escalator in the new Triumphal Arch.
The Danish architect Johan Otto von Spreckelsen has created a spectacular edifice.
Of course I was at the top of the Eiffel Tower, too.
But is is old.
It is rusty.
it is heavy, heavy, heavy
it must be hard to maintain.
When you are taking the escalator to the top it creaked and made disturbing sounds.
You almost believed that.....

I think Paris needs a new Eiffel Tower.
As I returned home I wrote to the Mayor of Paris:

Marie de Paris Bertrand Delano?
Hotel de Ville
5 rue de Lobau
75196 Paris RP

I told about the new tower, it is 50 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower is today.
It is erected in the park Champ-de-Mar on Place Jaques Rueff between the river Seine and Ecole Militaire.
The new tower is constructed of light materials free of maintenance and of very strong materials.
Splendid idea, Bertrand Delano? answered,
and asked for more details,
stressing that the architecture should be like that of Spreckelsens new Triumphal Arch.
Copying if possible some of the modernism and elegance of the new Arch in the Defence.

I went to my laboratory.
To invent the right material.
Concerning durability.
Concerning strength.
Concerning weight.
And to find the right way to construct the new Eiffel Tower.
And finally to make tests.
As I had finished my work I showed the entire project to
Bertrand Delano?.
He loved the project and he was enthusiastic about implementing it.
SOFUS had invented a brand new modular system of building blocks.
It was world news.

The new Eifel Tower built
in Fibre Composites Materials.
Applying tomorrow's materials today. Next time you are in Paris, you must visit Champ-de-Mar on Place Jaques Rueff. Yield a profit Sofus........

I have put on my office clothes and I have had my hair done.
Now I am ready for talking about money.
To keep a business going it is necessary to earn some money.
Then we can still strengthen our knowledge and become less sensitive towards declining markets.
Our customers must be as satisfied as we are.
We must price our products reasonably, and sell reasonably,
so that we yield a profit.

And SOFUS became a hit
New SOFUSes and new stories were created

about Safety Sofus
about Angry Sofus and many more
As a tribute to the employee's children I made a coloring book in English, Danish and Italian
that the children can download and colorize

The story ...get rid og Angry-Sofus (in English) - the coloring book.
The story ...bliv fri for Vrede-SOFUS (p? dansk) - malebogen.
La storia ...LIBERATI DA SOFUS ARRABBIATO (in italiano) - il libro da Colorare. CORPORATE VALUES

By Michael Juul Jensen
Extracts from an article in e-newsletter INSIDER (,
published by Mondo A/S.

Translated and edited by Asbjorn Lonvig.

The good story is met with sympathy in a time, where the
noise of messages is so extremely loud.
In USA the corporate storytelling is the latest tool in stakeholder-relations,
and in Denmark the attention to this tool is increasing.
In storytelling the company has the opportunity to illustrate it's potential,
a potential that is not shown in numbers and digits and
fancy business visions.
Storytelling is the opportunity to
communicate the values and goals of a company.

The good story is easy to remember and you want to tell it to others.
It is an efficient tool to communicate important messages to all
around a company - customers, suppliers, cooperators, competitors,
employees, the press, politicians
and not least stock-holders and potential investors.

In storytelling you have the tool to describe not measurable values and
the development potential of a company.
Concerning publishing these stories the corporate web site and e-newsletter
of course are evident. It's quick and relatively easy.
But it can as well be done by traditional means in the traditional media.
The point is to tell a story that makes it quite clear that
this exact company is something special.

Corporate storytelling started - not surprisingly - in USA.
Some years ago Scott Rosenberg, the managing editor of the famous
American e-zine, wrote in an article "Story Time":

"a beginning wave of interest from the corporate world - which is beginning to see
narrative and storytelling as additional powerful tools in the marketing
arsenal. In a business environment where 'branding' has become a
mantra of power, many companies are beginning to think of
advertising as an opportunity to tell their corporate story to the world.
And marketers are looking for ways to capture stories from customers
about how they feel about a company's products and services.
Storytelling isn't just for kids any more - it's for CEOs, too."

PricewaterhouseCoopers is one of the companies that soon found out
the impact of a good story on a more efficient branding. One of the partners,
Bill Dauphinais, have said to "Fast Company":

"Brands are built around stories. And stories of identity - who we are,
where we've come from - are the most effective stories of all. This is
a powerful way to bring them to life."

Coca Cola has established a storytelling center i Las Vegas.
In "The World of Coca-Cola" the company percents an entire adventure world
in text, sound and pictures based on the Coca-Cola-brand.
Director Channel Deborah MacCarthy, Coca-Cola's College, says that there
is a thoroughly prepared branding strategy behind this untraditionally initiative:

"We wanted to bring the brand to life, to tell the stories of Coca-Cola,
and to express Coca-Cola's core values: fun, refreshment, and
specialness in people's lives."

The director of IBM's Institute of Knowledge Management, David Snowden
says about IBM's increased attention on the possibilities in storytelling:

"Organizations are beginning to understand that storytelling is not an
optional extra. Stories are something that already exist as an integral
part of defining what that organization is, what it means to buy from it,
what it means to work for it. These are the early days in
understanding the use of stories in modern business. The results,
however, are sufficiently good that we now know that there are major
benefits to be achieved from the use of stories and from the
development of storytelling skills."

In the book "The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge Era
Organizations", Stephen Denning writes about how he - back in 1996 - discovered the power of
storytelling in motivating an entire organization to understand visions and bring visions into effect.
In his work as director of Knowledge Management in The World Bank,
Stephen Denning had for several years needed a better tool in promoting
new initiatives than numbers, reports, graphs etc.
At a meeting with the management he had the job to promote
a new information system.
For the first time he used storytelling.
Here is the story Stephen Denning:

"There was a health care worker in Kamana, Zambia, who in 1995
was searching for a method to treat malaria. The worker logged on to
the Web site of the Centers for Disease Control and within minutes
found his answer. This story happened, not in June 2015, but in June
1995. This is not a rich country, it is Zambia, one of the least
developed countries in the world. It is not even the capital of the
country; it is six hundred kilometers away. But the most striking
aspect of the picture is this: Our organization isn't in it. Our
organization doesn't have its know-how and expertise organized in
such a way that someone like the health worker in Zambia can have
access to it. But just imagine if it had! We could get ourselves
organized so that professionals have access to the resources
needed. Just in time and just enough."

According to Stephen Denning this very simple story had an astonishing
response from the management. The importance of having all information
in one place only, accessible to everybody even in the remotest corners was suddenly
very clear to the management. The following year a 'organization wide knowledge sharing
program' was implemented. The experience was the point of departure of an intensive
interest in storytelling, and in 2000
Stephen Denning published the book The Springboard
on this subject.
Stephen Denning writes:

"The attractions of narrative are obvious. Storytelling is natural and
easy and entertaining and energizing. Stories help us understand
complexity. Stories can enhance or change perceptions. Stories are
easy to remember. Stories are inherently non adversarial and
non-hierarchical. They bypass normal defense mechanisms and
engage our feelings."

Stephen Denning writes first and foremost about "springboard stories",
which have the purpose to engage people in organizational changes. But storytelling can
have numerous effects inside the company - not least in relation to
strengthening employees engagement in the company.
At the same time Stephen Denning points out the importance of that management
listens to the employees' stories. These stories are very sensitive tools for measuring
good and bad vibrations and the degree of enthusiasm - or lack of enthusiasm - concerning
visions and the management's decisions.

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on Tuesday, April 12th, Ellen Fisch said

All of art is storytelling. From the caveman to da Vinci to Picasso and on, the images that artists create reflect not only their vision and skills, but the times in which they live. Bravo Asbjorn for your wonderful take, in pictures and words, on the corporate world in which we live!!


New article...How to communicate through pictures...

Wouldn't any of us like to know how?
An artist try to communicate.
Through writing.
Through music.
Through movies.
Through pictures.
Sometimes he succeeds.  Sometimes he does not.
When his expectation are high - he might not communicate at all.
When his expectations are low - he might communicate excellently.
Every artist has his own recipe.

Mine is simple shapes and bright colors.
Even when I write.
Even when I .......

You can't always believe what is written in newspapers.
But if it is written in a book, you have to believe it.
I would like to tell you about a new book.
It is written by the French author Alain Joannes, who lives in Paris.
It is called "Communiqués par l'image" - that' s French and means
"how to communicate through pictures".
It was presented at the prestigious "Salon du Livre" in Paris in March this year.

To me it sounds like it's the new bible to artists, designers etc.
You can buy this new bible at Dunod.
Believe it or not, one of the chapters in this new book is about my painting "soul hurting still".
I'll just show the draft of the painting and quote what the author writes:

The jubilation feelings given by forms and colors of Asbjorn Lonvig.
By Alain Joannes

"soul hurting still"
Acrylic on canvas 201 x 139 cm, that is 79.2 x 54.8 inches. Edition 5
Sold in Marcia in Spain
Inspired by Christmas 2002, North Jutland Art Museum where I saw Marc Chagall and Max Ernst, and by Native Art, American Native Art.

...the art of the Danish painter Asbjorn Lonvig communicates at the first glance euphoria in a rough state. A so intense euphoria that the glance can not move away from the piece of his art. Of course, the saturated colours are decisive in this very great glowing.
The coloured dazzling and the feeling of pleasure which prolongs it have multiple causes. As adequacy between artistic creation and the constraints of communication, the art of Asbjorn Lonvig illustrates an assumption of neurocognitives sciences: the neurons in charge of visual perception are first activated by patterns recognition, then by colors recognition, then by recognition of textures and movements recognition. In a piece of art like "Soul hurting still ", the sensory impacts of the forms and the colors are very strong and equal.
The pleasure comes from what the eye and the brain receive from the red, the yellow, the green and blue at the same time as they recognize the squares, the rectangles, the circles, the triangles, the straight and broken lines and even the letter “A”.
The glance thus filled by a profusion of feelings founds a generating mental state of pleasure. After and beyond the primary emotion, in a second phase of contemplation, the spirit endeavours to confer an overall significance on the table. It calls upon its repertory of already memorized forms. Then, the pleasure becomes ludic.
Functioning like a rebus, the chart of an unknown territory, a coded language or a mysterious diagram, the piece of art asks to the witness: " What am I ?" The many possible answers are mental resonances which give to the artistic communication a richness higher than all the other ways to communicate. This communication is intersubjective.
It organizes the meeting between the subjectivity of the artist and the subjectivity of the witness. The witness of the piece of art is free to refer to tropical sensory prints: association of a dominating solar yellow, sky blue, deep vegetal green.
He can also associate the table with an intimate collection of primitive art. He shall perhaps remember the geometrical abstractions of Kandinsky and Mondrian. Surely, the piece of art will be kept in the long memory space into the brain with all its resonances sensory, emotional, ludic and cultural. It is may be interesting to know that the joyfull impact piece of art by Asbjorn Lonvig is closely related to its is canvassed artistic.
High level data processing specialist then head of a software company, the painter found serenity in a pictorial creation which starts with digital drafts and finds its completion on a support – frame and fabric - entirely conceived and manufactured by the artist.

...and for the French in France, the Canadians in Quebec and Montreal etc.:
Formes et couleurs jubilatoires d’Asbjorn Lonvig.
Par Alain Joannes

...ce que l’art du peintre danois Asbjorn Lonvig communique dès le premier coup d’œil, c’est de l’euphorie à l’état brut. Une euphorie tellement intense que le regard s’en détache à regret. Bien sûr, les teintes saturées jouent un grand rôle dans cette jouissive rutilance.
L’éblouissement coloré et la sensation de plaisir qui le prolonge ont des causes multiples. S’agissant de l’adéquation entre la création artistique et les contraintes de la communication, l’œuvre d’Asbjorn Lonvig illustre une hypothèse des sciences neurocognitives, selon laquelle les neurones en charge de la perception visuelle s’activent d’abord sur la reconnaissance des formes, puis sur celle des couleurs, celle des textures et des mouvements. Dans une œuvre comme « Soul hurting still », les impacts sensoriels des formes et des couleurs s’équilibrent.
Le plaisir vient de ce que l’œil et le cerveau reçoivent du rouge, du jaune, du vert et du bleu en même temps qu’ils reconnaissent les carrés, les rectangles, les cercles, les triangles, les lignes droites et brisées et même la lettre A.
Le regard ainsi comblé par une profusion de sensations instaure un état mental générateur de plaisir. Au-delà de l’émotion primaire, dans une seconde phase de la contemplation, l’esprit s’applique à conférer une signification d’ensemble au tableau. Il fait appel à son répertoire de formes déjà mémorisées. Le plaisir devient alors ludique.
Fonctionnant comme un rébus, la carte d’un territoire inconnu, un langage codé ou un mystérieux diagramme, l’œuvre questionne le spectateur: « Que suis-je ? » Les nombreuses réponses possibles sont les résonances mentales qui donnent à la communication artistique une richesse supérieure à toutes les autres formes de communication. Cette communication est intersubjective.
Elle organise la rencontre entre la subjectivité de l’artiste et la subjectivité du spectateur. Ce dernier est libre de se référer à des empreintes sensorielles tropicales: association d’un jaune solaire dominant, bleu qui évoque le ciel, vert qui renvoie à une végétation luxuriante. Il peut aussi associer le tableau à sa collection intime d’art primitif.
Rien ne l’empêche d’invoquer les abstractions géométriques de Kandinsky et de Mondrian. Une chose est sûre: l’œuvre sera rangée dans la mémoire longue avec toutes ses résonances sensorielles, émotionnelles, ludiques et culturelles.Il est intéressant de savoir que l’impact jubilatoire de l’œuvre d’Asbjorn Lonvig est étroitement lié à sa démarché artistique.
Informaticien de haut niveau puis chef d’entreprise, le peintre a trouvé la sérénité dans une création picturale qui commence avec des esquisses numériques sur ordinateur et trouve son achèvement sur un support – châssis et toile – entièrement conçu et fabriqué par le signataire de l’œuvre.

...and for the Danes, in Danish as a service to my own folks:
Abjørn Lønvigs jubelkor af former og farver.
Af Alain Joannes

...det, som den danske maler Asbjørn Lønvigs kunst formidler fra det allerførste øjekast, er rendyrket eufori. En eufori, der er så intens, at øjet har svært ved at give slip. De mættede farvenuancer spiller selvfølgelig en stor rolle i denne glædens brillans.
Den flamboyante farverigdom og den følelse af glæde, der kommer i forlængelse heraf, har mange årsager. Hvad angår overensstemmelsen mellem skabelsen af kunst og kravene til formidling, illustrerer Asbjørn Lønvigs værk en hypotese fra de neurokognitive videnskaber, ifølge hvilken de neuroner, der er ansvarlige for synsopfattelsen, først aktiveres i forhold til genkendelsen af former, dernæst i forhold til genkendelsen af farver, strukturer og bevægelser. I et værk som ”Soul hurting still” indfinder der sig en balance mellem sansepåvirkningerne fra former og fra farver.
Glæden kommer af, at øjet og hjernen modtager rødt, gult, grønt og blåt, samtidig med at der sker genkendelse af firkanter, rektangler, cirkler, trekanter, lige linjer og brudte linjer og sågar bogstavet A.
Øjet, der således fyldes af en overdådighed af sanseindtryk, fremmaner en mental tilstand, der genererer glæde. Hinsides urfølelsen bestræber sindet sig i iagttagelsens anden fase på at give maleriet en samlet mening. Her læner sindet sig op ad det repertoire af former, der allerede har indprentet sig. Glæden får et anstrøg af leg.
Værket, der fungerer som en rebus, et kort over et ukendt territorium, et kodet sprog eller et mystisk diagram, spørger iagttageren: ”Hvad er jeg?” De mange mulige svar er de mentale resonanser, der forlener kunstens formidling med en rigdom, der er alle andre formidlingsformer overlegen. Denne formidling er intersubjektiv.
Den foranlediger mødet mellem kunstnerens subjektivitet og iagttagerens subjektivitet. Iagttageren kan frit referere til f.eks. tropeinspirerede sanseindtryk: associationerne fra en dominerende solgul farve, en blå der får ham til at tænke på himlen, en grøn der minder ham om frodig vegetation. Maleriet kan også få ham til at associere til sin private samling af primitiv kunst.
Og der er intet, der forhindrer ham i at komme til at tænke på Kandinskys og Mondrians geometriske abstraktioner. En ting er sikker: Værket bliver lagret i langtidshukommelsen med alle dets sanse-, følelses-, legeimpuls- og kulturresonanser.
Det er interessant at vide, at glædespåvirkningen fra Asbjørn Lønvigs værk er tæt forbundet med hans kunstneriske fremgangsmåde. Maleren (datalog på højt niveau og siden virksomhedsleder) har fundet ro i en billedskabelse, der begynder med digitale skitser på computeren og færdiggøres på et fysisk underlag - ramme og lærred - der designes og fremstilles helt fra bunden af maleren selv.

Thanks to....

Art News Artblog: How to communicate through pictures... by Alain Joannes and Asbjorn Lonvig.
Art News Artblog: How to communicate through pictures... by Alain Joannes and Asbjorn Lonvig.
Art News Artblog: How to communicate through pictures... by Alain Joannes and Asbjorn Lonvig.
Art News Artblog: How to communicate through pictures... by Alain Joannes and Asbjorn Lonvig.
Art News Artblog: How to communicate through pictures... by Alain Joannes and Asbjorn Lonvig.
Art News Artblog: How to communicate through pictures... by Alain Joannes and Asbjorn Lonvig.
Art News Artblog: How to communicate through pictures... by Alain Joannes and Asbjorn Lonvig.
Art News Artblog: How to communicate through pictures... by Alain Joannes and Asbjorn Lonvig.


Article to World Wide Art Resources Art News, USA and to ADN World ArtNews, Japan about Aros and Bill Viola.

According to the chairman of the board, Neil Kzokoss, Chicago Athenaeum, Museum of Architecture and Design, who visited me once, my house is located "in the middle of nowhere".

Well, your expectations to an art museum in the middle of nowhere in a province of Denmark might not be high.
However, stay tuned.

And when you look at this art museum from outside it is nothing but a huge cube.
A huge box.
A huge brick.